Memberships and certifications
Product and company certifications are important
In order to guarantee high quality and reliable products and services, Etermet has decided to adapt its business processes to the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard, receiving the certification in 2001 and renewing it over the years.
Since 2006, the company has been registered in the Industrial Shelving section of the ACAI (Italian Steel Manufacturers Association), receiving the CISI Quality & Safety mark. The brand, which represents a guarantee of good technical standards that ensure the suitability of the shelving regulated according to Legislative Decree 172/04 on the "safe product", has been maintained as long as this has existed, and we still maintain our adhering production standards to those rules.
Each Etermet product is carefully designed to last over time and guarantee the best possible performance. To do this we collaborate with prestigious universities in order to guarantee that all tests on the components that make up the shelving are carried out by expert personnel in cutting-edge laboratories.

Certified management system
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

Collaboration with the University of Trento for experimental tests on individual components and/or systems.

Collaboration with the Polytechnic of Milan for experimental tests on individual components and/or systems.

Collaboration with Catas for experimental tests on individual components and/or systems.

Member of:
Italian Industrial Shelving Manufacturers.

Member of:
Italian Association of lifting, elevation and movement SYSTEMS

Member of:
Confindustria mechanical engineering